List of modifications from initial test base (1.0) to second correction (1.2) [[Note that you can still use the alternative sets, but if you have automated running your tests you are better using these. Both previous files contained additionnal problems]] Modifications thanks to Natasha Noy and David Loup List of modifications to the tests: - changed test n°102 with the actual food.owl file (bug); - suppressed mentions to BookPart objects in n°101,204,223,224,225 (bug); - corrected rdf:reference mention in n°103 (bug); - corrected xsd:langage mention in n°206 (bug); - corrected mentions to parseType="Compilation" and parseType="sqxsqkd" to parseType="Collection" (bug) - corrected mentions to &xsd;sqkxndc and &xsd;idiom to xsd;language (bug) - corrected mentions to to (bug) - corrected ill-written "Techreport" in refaligns (bug). - changed refalign mentions to local filesystem URI; - changed refalign and RDF namespaces in refalign to the correct ones; - updated many discarded entities in the refalign n°230, and others in 301-304; - turned location from a DatatypeProperty to an ObjectProperty (bug). - added an UTF-8 206 file; - introduced more generalisation in test n°103 using xsd:integer instead of xsd:nonNegativeIngeger in startPage and endPage (improvement); - better defined test n°230 (School and Institution being embedded into their refering classes). Improvements: - added in kindly provided by Natasha. Parser specific queries: - added a letter at the begining of each fragment identifiers (for Jena compliance, this is a reasonable request); - not changed the diacritics in tests n°206 and 224 (for OWLAPI compliance, this must be solved by these Parsers. However, contestors may use the UTF-8 counterpart provided). - OWL API parser display problems with importing in test n°102. Uncovered changes: The following change has not been added for due reasons: It can be performed by yourself on each ontologies if you use tools which require the referenced entities to be imported with ontologies: CURRENT DESCRIPTION ============================================================================ ]> Nick Knouf <> Antoine Zimmermann <> Jérôme Euzenat Bibliographic references in OWL 01/06/2004 Bibliographic references Possible ontology to describe bibTeX entries. $Id: log10-11.txt,v 1.6 2004/09/08 10:37:17 euzenat Exp $ ALTERNATIVE DESCRIPTION ============================================================================ ]> Nick Knouf <> Antoine Zimmermann <> Jérôme Euzenat Bibliographic references in OWL 01/06/2004 Bibliographic references Possible ontology to describe bibTeX entries. $Id: log10-11.txt,v 1.6 2004/09/08 10:37:17 euzenat Exp $