Bibliographic references

Bibliographic references in OWL

Possible ontology to describe bibTeX entries.
Author: Nick Knouf <>
Contributor: Antoine Zimmermann <>, Jérôme Euzenat,
Date: 08/06/2005
Version: $Id: onto-exp.rdf,v 1.2 2005/06/10 20:53:26 euzenat Exp $

Classes (, ) (, ) (, )
Resource (Resource, )
Reference (Reference, Base class for all entries)
    Text (Text, Textual work.)
      Book (Book, A book that may be a monograph or a collection of written texts.)
        Monograph (Monograph, A book that is a single entity, as opposed to a collection.)
          Collection (Collection, A book that is collection of texts or articles.)
            Proceedings (Proceedings, The proceedings of a conference.)
              Informal (Informal, A document that was informally published or not published.)
                Booklet (Booklet, A work that is printed and bound, but without a named publisher or sponsoring institution.)
                  LectureNotes (LectureNotes, Lecture notes.)
                    Manual (Manual, Technical documentation.)
                      UserGuide (User's guide, A manual for helping using a technology.)
                        ReferenceManual (Reference manual, A complete manual for helping using a technology.)
                          Unpublished (Unpublished, A document having an author and title, but not formally published.)
                            Part (Part, A part of something (either Book or Proceedings).)
                              JournalPart (Paper published in a periodical publication., An subpart of a journal or magazine.)
                                Article (Article, An article from a journal or magazine.)
                                  Review (Review, The review of a work in a periodic publication.)
                                    Editorial (The editor part (foreword) of a journal issue., An introductory part of a Journal.)
                                      Letter (Lettre, A letter published in a periodic publication.)
                                        Chapter (BookPart, A chapter (or section or whatever) of a book having its own title.)
                                          InBook (InBook, A subpart of a book given by a range of pages.)
                                            InCollection (Incollection, A part of a book having its own title.)
                                              InProceedings (InProceedings, An article in a conference proceedings.)
                                                Academic (Academic, A Master's or PhD thesis.)
                                                  MastersThesis (MastersThesis, A Master's thesis.)
                                                    PhdThesis (PhdThesis, A PhD thesis.)
                                                      Misc (Misc, Use this type when nothing else fits.)
                                                        Report (Report, A report published by an institution with some explicit policy.)
                                                          InstitutionReport (Institution report, A report published by an institution.)
                                                            ProspectiveReport (Prospective report, A prospective report on a particular topic or field.)
                                                              EvaluationReport (Evaluation report, A report evaluating the activity of some institution subpart.)
                                                                SerialReport (Serial report, A report published by an institution as part of a serie.)
                                                                  NormalizationReport (Normalization report, A report constituting a normative document.)
                                                                    Standard (Standard, A document describing a standard.)
                                                                      Recommendation (Recommendation, A document describing a recommended technology.)
                                                                        WorkReport (Work report, A report on technical matter published within a series.)
                                                                          TechReport (Technical report, A report on technical matter published within a series.)
                                                                            TechnicalMemo (Technical memorandum, )
                                                                              ResearchReport (Research report, )
                                                                                ResearchNote (Research note, )
                                                                                  PeriodicReport (Institution report, A report published by an institution on a regular basis.)
                                                                                    YearlyReport (Institution report, A report published by an institution on a regular basis.)
                                                                                      Deliverable (Deliverable report, A report delivered for accomplishing a contract.)
                                                                                        FinalReport (Final report, The final report on a contract.)
                                                                                          MotionPicture (MotionPicture, A film/movie/motion picture.)
                                                                                            Periodical (Journal or magazine, A periodical publication collecting works from different authors.)
                                                                                            Journal (Journal, A periodical publication of peer-reviewed scientific papers.)
                                                                                              Magazine (Magazine, A periodical publication of scientific papers and news.)
                                                                                                ScientificMeeting (Scientific meeting, An event presenting work.)
                                                                                                Conference (Conference, A scientific conference.)
                                                                                                  Congress (Congress, A scientific congress.)
                                                                                                    Symposium (Symposium, A symposium.)
                                                                                                      Workshop (Workshop, A scientific workshop, i.e. a small audience conference in which more interaction between participants can occur.)
                                                                                                        Address (Address, The street address of the location of some organization or event.)
                                                                                                        Institution (Institution, An institution.)
                                                                                                        Society (Society, A scientific society which can additionnaly publish books and journals.)
                                                                                                          Publisher (Publisher, The publisher of books or journals.)
                                                                                                            HigherEducationInstitution (Higher education institution, A school or university.)
                                                                                                              University (University, A University.)
                                                                                                                School (School, A identified and autonomous university department, college or school.)
                                                                                                                  EngineerSchool (Engineer school, A French-system so-called Engineer school or German technische Hochschule.)
                                                                                                                    Polytechnics (Practical university, The French CNAM or Britsh Polytechnics.)
                                                                                                                      PersonList (Person list, A list of persons.)
                                                                                                                      PageRange (PageRange, A range of pages.)
                                                                                                                      Date (Date, Date of a day which can be unknown (i.e., only the year is known or only the year and month). This is for overcoming the limits of XML-Schema for wich a date is not separable.)


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