Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative - OAEI-2008 CampaignOAEI

Modifications of the benchmark test library

5.0: OAEI-2008 preversion released 25/05/2008

Corrections from Christian Meilicke:

4.0: OAEI-2007 preversion released 15/05/2007

Version 4.0 was the evaluation version of OAEI-2007.

3.5: updated version 23/08/2006

Version 3.5 was the evaluation version of OAEI-2006.

Corrections from Alfio Ferrara:

3.4: updated version 31/07/2006

Changed the generation procedure

Corrections from Sabine Massmann, Alfio Ferrara, Jérôme Euzenat:

3.3: updated version 22/07/2006

Corrections from Wei Hu:

3.2: updated version 12/07/2006

Corrections from Sławomir Niedbała and Guillermo Nudelman Hess:

3.1: updated version 08/07/2006

Corrections from Sławomir Niedbała and Guillermo Nudelman Hess:

3.0: OAEI-2006 preversion released 09/06/2006

2.7: updated version 02/08/2005

Version 2.7 was the evaluation version of OAEI-2005.

A correction by Raphaël Troncy:

2.6: updated version 08/07/2005

2.5: updated version 04/07/2005

2.4: updated version 01/07/2005

2.3: updated version 01/07/2005

Addresses comments from Ningsheng Jian:

2.2: updated version 29/06/2005

Addresses comments by Marc Ehrig and Mikalai Yatskevich:

2.1: preversion released 10/06/2005

2.0: unreleased version

1.7: OAEI-2004 final version released 10/10/2004

Version 1.7 was the evaluation version of OAEI-2004.

1.6: unreleased

1.5: unreleased

1.4: unreleased

1.3: unreleased

1.2: released 5/9/2004

List of modifications (thanks to Natasha Noy and David Loup) to the tests:

1.1: corrected version released 3/9/2004

1.0: OAEI-2004 released 2/9/2004

0.9: OAEI-2004 preversion released 9/7/2004


Contact address is Jerome : Euzenat # inrialpes : fr

$Id: logs.html,v 1.28 2008/05/27 14:03:30 euzenat Exp $