Modifications of the benchmark test library
5.0: OAEI-2008 preversion
released 25/05/2008
- Added new partially scrambled tests [*-2,4,6,8]
- Added correctly scrambled tests for instances (previous year tests
had the instances) [249,253,257,258,259,262,265]
Corrections from Christian Meilicke:
- Changed the range of "numberOrVolume" in ontology 101 from
"Reference" to "Reference OR Conference" this is also changed in all
the generated ontologies [101+2xx]
- Changed "Part = Publication" into "Part < Publication" [302]
- Removed "Collection < booktitle", changed "collection =
booktitle" into "collection < booktitle" [303]
4.0: OAEI-2007 preversion
released 15/05/2007
Version 4.0 was the evaluation version of OAEI-2007.
- Modified refalign (was not RDF/XML) [ALL]
3.5: updated version
Version 3.5 was the evaluation version of OAEI-2006.
Corrections from Alfio Ferrara:
- Foaf specifications unreadable by Protégé [222,223,237-240,246,247,251,252,258-261,265,266]
3.4: updated version
Changed the generation procedure
Corrections from Sabine Massmann, Alfio Ferrara, Jérôme Euzenat:
- Bad onto1/onto2 value in refalign [230]
- Incorrect reference to property [223, 230, 238, 252, 259]
- Incorrect xmlns and xml:base [301, 302, 304]
- Incorrect refalign.rdf [301-304]
3.3: updated version
Corrections from Wei Hu:
- Some tests were not correctly generated due to namespace problems [222,237,239,246,251,258,260,265]
3.2: updated version
Corrections from Sławomir Niedbała and Guillermo Nudelman Hess:
- Many tests had incorrect refalign.rdf [ALL]
- Domain of "institution" becomes "Report" for avoiding equivalence out
of references [ALL]
3.1: updated version
Corrections from Sławomir Niedbała and Guillermo Nudelman Hess:
- Many tests had incorrect refalign.rdf [ALL]
- 230 was inconsistent [230]
- Attributes month and year have been reformatted for complying
XMLSchema datatypes [ALL]
3.0: OAEI-2006 preversion
released 09/06/2006
- UTF-8 is now the standard test encoding (iso-latin an alternative)
- tests URIs/locations are now to [ALL]
- corrected an obvious bug in 102/refalign.rdf [102]
2.7: updated version
Version 2.7 was the evaluation version of OAEI-2005.
A correction by Raphaël Troncy:
- Corrected a small syntactic error (datatype declaration in the value) [ALL]
2.6: updated version 08/07/2005
- Really suppressed properties! [228...]
- Reinstalled the declaration of FOAF entities [228...]
- Fixed namespace problems [230]
2.5: updated version 04/07/2005
- Used local version of wine and food ontologies [102]
- Made the UTF-8 reference alignments refering to the UTF-8 ontologies [206/207/210]
- Corrected a bug before the export of the UTF-8 ontologies [206/207/210]
- Added namespace in real-world test [301/304]
2.4: updated version 01/07/2005
- #lastName is declared with rdf:ID
2.3: updated version 01/07/2005
Addresses comments from Ningsheng Jian:
- Replaced references to &xsd;String by &xsd;string [230]
- Replaced firstName by &foaf;firstName [230]
- Added lastName and language in the alignments
- Added in index.html a comment stating that the original file can
be used for 102 [102]
- Cleaned-up the reference alignment for [230]
- Added in index.html a comment stating that the original file can
be used for 102 [102]
2.2: updated version 29/06/2005
Addresses comments by Marc Ehrig and Mikalai Yatskevich:
- Translated the labels of all translation transformation;
- The generation of an allValuesFrom with empty body has been
avoided [104];
- Avoided discarding the foaf property declarations [228/230/...]
- Replaced institutionName by organizationName [230]
- Suppressed dc:descriptions in Property declarations [230]
- Updated the wine/food ontologies to the standard ones [102]
2.1: preversion released 10/06/2005
2.0: unreleased version
1.7: OAEI-2004 final version released 10/10/2004
Version 1.7 was the evaluation version of OAEI-2004.
1.6: unreleased
1.5: unreleased
1.4: unreleased
1.3: unreleased
1.2: released 5/9/2004
List of modifications (thanks to Natasha Noy and David Loup) to the tests:
- changed test n°102 with the actual food.owl file (bug);
- suppressed mentions to BookPart objects in n°101,204,223,224,225 (bug);
- corrected rdf:reference mention in n°103 (bug);
- corrected xsd:langage mention in n°206 (bug);
- corrected mentions to parseType="Compilation" and parseType="sqxsqkd" to parseType="Collection" (bug)
- corrected mentions to &xsd;sqkxndc and &xsd;idiom to xsd;language (bug)
- corrected mentions to to (bug)
- corrected ill-written "Techreport" in refaligns (bug).
- changed refalign mentions to local filesystem URI;
- changed refalign and RDF namespaces in refalign to the correct ones;
- updated many discarded entities in the refalign n°230, and others
in 301-304;
- turned location from a DatatypeProperty to an ObjectProperty (bug).
- added an UTF-8 206 file;
- introduced more generalisation in test n°103 using xsd:integer instead of xsd:nonNegativeIngeger in startPage and endPage (improvement);
- better defined test n°230 (School and Institution being embedded into their refering classes).
- added in kindly provided by Natasha.
- added a letter at the begining of each fragment identifiers (for Jena compliance, this is a reasonable request);
- not changed the diacritics in tests n°206 and 224 (for OWLAPI
compliance, this must be solved by these Parsers. However,
contestors may use the UTF-8 counterpart provided).
- OWL API parser display problems with importing in test n°102.
1.1: corrected version released 3/9/2004
1.0: OAEI-2004 released 2/9/2004
0.9: OAEI-2004 preversion released 9/7/2004
Contact address is Jerome : Euzenat # inrialpes : fr
$Id: logs.html,v 1.28 2008/05/27 14:03:30 euzenat Exp $