This track aims at evaluating instance data matchers.
What is instance data ?
In the context of the semantic Web, instances are resources described in RDF and typed according to an ontology. The task of identifying equivalent resources is crucial for proper integration of Web data. This task is also known as identity recognition, object consolidation, or record linkage in the databases world.
What is an instance data matcher ?
An instance data matcher is a system able to take as input two instance sets (two RDF graphs), and to return an alignment between these sets.
The evaluation is performed on three benchmarks using various datasets described below. The two first benchmarks are each containing three datasets which need to be matched two by two. The third benchmark contain 37 dataset which are all a variant of a refenrence datasets. Each dataset need to be matched to the reference dataset.
This benchmark (download Rexa and eprints, swetoDBLP) includes three datasets containing instances from the domain of scientific publications:
This benchmark (download) includes three datasets covering several topics and structured according to different ontologies:
Ontologies are included in the benchmarks
A generated benchmark constituted using one dataset and modifying it according to various criterias.
The benchmark is generated using the ISLab Instance Matching Benchmark, used on a dataset from the OKKAM project..
The testbed (download) provides OWL/RDF data about actors, sport persons, and business firms taken from OKKAM.
The main directory contains 37 sub-directories and the original ABox and the associated TBox (abox.owl and tbox.owl).
The original ABox contains about 300 different instances.
Each sub-directory contains a modified ABox (abox.owl + tbox.owl) and the corresponding mapping with the instances in the original ABox (refalign.rdf). The introduced modifications are the following:
The participants are expected to provide an alignment between the dataset. The alignment will be provided in the alignment format.
Evaluation will measure the following criteria:
For this track, we introduce the possibility to tune matchers for each testbed. In the results, tuned matchers will be differentiated from pure matchers working with one configuration for all testbeds.
The schedule is given at
The Alignment API can be used to provide the alignment in the alignment format. Using the alignment API, alignments can be grounded into a set of owl:sameAs triples, and encapsulated into a named graph with void annotations.
Results of the experiment can be found here.
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