Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative - OAEI 2013 CampaignOAEI

Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative

2013 final results

The synthesis paper describing the final results can be found here

Like in 2012, we distinguish between matching systems that have participated in the SEALS tracks and matching systems that have participated in the Instance Matching track. There were 6 SEALS tracks: benchmarks, anatomy, conference, Multifarm, library and largebio. Some systems had problems to generate results for some SEALS tracks, but this can also be counted as a result. Links to the pages describing the results for each track can be found at the bottom of the page.

Overall, OAEI 2013 has 23 participants who participated in 123 tests (OAEI 2012 had 21 participants who participated in 103 tests).

Around half of the systems participating in OAEI 2013 had participated in 2012 (Hertuda, HotMatch, LogMap, LogMapLite, MaasMatch, MapSSS, OntoK, ServOMap, WeSee, WikiMatch and YAM++).

Matching systemConfidenceSEALS tracksInstance matching trackscountry
AML Portugal/USA
CroMatcher Croatia
Hertuda Germany
HotMatch Germany
IAMA China
LilyIOM China
LogMap UK
LogMapLt UK
MaasMatch Netherlands
OntoK South Korea
RiMOM2013 China
ServOMap France
SLINT++ Japan
SPHeRe (*) South Korea
StringsAuto US
Synthesis Greece
WeSeEMatch Germany
Wikimatch Germany
XMap Algeria
YAM++ France
TOTAL = 23 14 20 4
Table of participants.(•). Confidence stands for the type of result returned by a system: it is ticked when the confidence has been measured as a non boolean value. (*) SPHeRe does not use the SEALS interface and only participates in the largebio track; since it is an special system based on cloud computing we have decided to make an exception.

This year it seems that most of the systems were able to run under the SEALS platform.

The detailed results are available from here:

In case of further questions, directly contact the organizers of the specific track. Contact information can be found at the bottom of each linked results page.

Synthetic result paper is available here (cite it from the Ontology matching workshop proceedings).