Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative
2014 Campaign
Since 2004, OAEI organises evaluation campaigns aiming at evaluating ontology matching technologies.
The OAEI 2014 campaign will once again confront ontology matchers to
ontology and data sources to be matched.
This year, the following test sets are available:
- benchmark

Like in previous campaigns, a systematic benchmark series has
to be matched. The goal of this benchmark series is to identify the areas in
which each alignment algorithm is strong and weak. The test is not
anymore based on the very same dataset that has been used from 2004
to 2010. We are now able to generate undisclosed tests with the same
structure. They provide strongly comparable results and allow for
testing scalability.
- anatomy

- The anatomy
real world case is about matching the Adult Mouse Anatomy (2744 classes) and the NCI Thesaurus (3304 classes) describing the human anatomy.
- conference

The goal of this track is to find alignments within a collection of ontologies describing the domain of organising conferences. Additionally, 'complex correspondences' are also very welcome. Alignments will be evaluated automatically against reference alignments. Summary results along with detail performance results for each ontology pair (test case) and comparison with tools' performance from last years will be provided.
- Multifarm

This dataset is composed of a subset of the Conference dataset, translated in eight different languages (Chinese, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish) and the corresponding alignments between these ontologies. Based on these test cases, it is possible to evaluate and compare the performance of matching approaches with a special focus on multilingualism.
- Library

The library track is a real-word task to match the STW and the TheSoz social science thesauri in SKOS. The goal of this track is to find whether the matchers can handle these lightweight ontologies including a huge amount of concepts and additional descriptions. Results will be evaluated both against a reference alignment and through manual scrutiny of alignments.
- Interactive matching evaluation

This track offers the possibility to compare different interactive matching tools which require user interaction. The goal is to show if user interaction can improve the matching results, which methods are most promising and how many interactions are necessary. All participating systems are evaluated using an oracle which bases on the reference alignment. As dataset, we use the ontologies of the conference track. Using the SEALS client, the matching system only needs to be slightly adapted to participate to this track.
- Large Biomedical Ontologies (largebio)

This track consists of finding alignments between the Foundational Model of
Anatomy (FMA), SNOMED CT, and the National Cancer Institute Thesaurus (NCI).
These ontologies are semantically rich and contain tens of thousands of
classes. UMLS Metathesaurus has been selected as the basis for the track
reference alignments.
Instance Matching (im) 
The instance data matching track aims at evaluating tools able to identify similar instances among different RDF and OWL datasets.
The IM edition this year is articulated in two sub-tasks for identity recognition and similarity recognition. The evaluation will be
run with support of SEALS.
The evaluation will be blind as described in details on the instance matching page.
Participating systems are free to use any combination of matching techniques and background knowledge.
Results, in the alignment format, will be evaluated according to standard precision and recall metrics.
Ontology Alignment for Query Answering (oa4qa)
This track will not follow the classical ontology alignment evaluation with respect to a set of reference alignments. Precision and Recall will be calculated with respect to the ability of the generated alignments to answer a set of queries in a ontology-based data access scenario where several ontologies exist. In the OAEI 2014 campaign the datasets will be based on the Conference track.
OAEI 2014 will continue the procedure of running on the SEALS
platform introduced in 2011. The results will be reported at
the Ontology matching
workshop of the 13th
International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2014).
The overall process of participation including how to accomplish tool
bundling is described here.
Please note that a tool that participates in one of the tracks
conducted with the SEALS modality, will be evaluated with respect to
all of the other tracks under the SEALS modality even though the tool might be specialized for some specific kind of matching problems. We know that this can be a problem for some systems that have specifically been developed for, e.g., matching biomedical ontologies; but this point can still be emphasized in the specific results paper about the system in case the results generated for some specific track are not good at all.
SEALS evaluation process
Following the successful campaigns since 2011, most of the tests will be evaluated under the SEALS platform. The evaluation process is detailed here, and in general it follows the same pattern as in past years:
- Participants wrap their tools as a SEALS platform package and
register them to the SEALS portal;
- Participants can test their tools with the SEALS client on the
data-sets provided with reference alignments by each track organizer. The ids of those data-sets are given in each track web page;
- Organizers run the evaluation on the SEALS platform from the
tools registered in the platform and with both blind and published
- For some tracks, results are (automatically) available on the SEALS portal.
Provisional dates
June 30th- datasets available (for presceening).
July 14th- datasets are frozen.
August 31st- participants send final versions of their tools.
September 28th- evaluation is executed and results are analyzed.
October 5th- final paper due.
October 20th- Ontology matching workshop.
November 16th- Final version of system papers due (sharp).
From the results of the experiments, participants are expected
to provide the organisers with a paper to be published in the proceedings
of the Ontology matching workshop.
The paper must be no more than 8 pages long and formatted using the
LNCS Style.
To ensure easy comparability among the participants it has to follow the given
The above mentioned paper must be sent in PDF format before
September 30th to
Jerome . Euzenat (a) inria . fr with copy to
pavel (a) dit . unitn . it.
Participants may also submit a longer version of their paper,
with a length justified by its technical content,
to be published online in the CEUR-WS collection and on the OAEI web
site (this last paper will be due just before the workshop).
The outline of the paper is as below (see templates for more details):
- Presentation of the system
- State, purpose, general statement
- Specific techniques used
- Adaptations made for the evaluation
- Link to the system and parameters file
- Link to the set of provided alignments (in align format)
- Results
- 2.x) a comment for each dataset performed
- General comments
(not necessaryly by putting the section below but preferably in
this order).
- Comments on the results (strength and weaknesses)
- Discussions on the way to improve the proposed system
- Comments on the OAEI procedure (including comments on the SEALS evaluation, if relevant)
- Comments on the OAEI test cases
- Comments on the OAEI measures
- Proposed new measures
- Conclusions
- References
These papers are not peer-reviewed and are here to keep track of the
participants and the description of matchers which took part in the
The results from both selected participants and organizers were presented
at the International Workshop on Ontology
Matching collocated with ISWC 2014 taking
place at Riva del Garda (IT) in October 22nd or 23rd, 2014.