Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative

Special Issue: Ontology Alignment: Algorithms and Evaluation

We invite authors of:

  1. relevant papers submitted to the Ontology Matching workshop,
  2. system papers participating in the the OAEI evaluation campaign;
  3. dataset descriptions to benchmark ontology alignment systems;
to submit an extended version of their contributions to be considered in the Ontology Alignment: Algorithms and Evaluation special issue of the Knowledge Engineering Review journal.

Guest editors

Important Dates

September 30, 2018
Intention to submit: please fill this google form.
December 21, 2018
Submission deadline.
August 2, 2019
Deadline for revised versions.

Submission guidelines

Prospective authors must follow the submission guidelines posted here. Please indicate in the submission process or in the cover letter that the paper is for the Special Issue on Ontology Alignment: Algorithms and Evaluation.

Submissions shall be made through the journal's submission site. Please register to obtain an account if you do not have one yet.