Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative - OAEI 2024 Campaign

Results for OAEI 2024 - Circular Economy (CE) track

Generated alignments

We have collected all generated alignments and make them available in a zip-file via the following link. These alignments are the raw results that the following report is based on.

>>> download raw results

Experimental setting

We conducted experiments by executing each system in its standard setting and we compare precision, F-measure, and recall.

We used the MELT platform to execute our evaluations for all systems. Currently, the reported evaluation results are directly taken from the MELT platform.


This year, we had three participants: LogMap, LogMapLt, and Matcha. With regard to F1-Measure, a lightweight version of LogMap achieved the highest score.

The table also shows the results for precision, F-measure, recall and the size of the alignments. Regarding the recall, Matcha achieved the best score. LogMap and Matcha provide the correspondences with real-valued confidence. Therefore, thresholding during evaluation could produce better results.


This track is organized by Jana Vataščinová, Ondřej Zamazal, Huanyu Li, Eva Blomqvist, and Patrick Lambrix. If you have any problems working with the ontologies, any questions related to tool wrapping, or any suggestions related to the ce track, feel free to write an email oaei-ce [at] groups [dot] liu [dot] se.