Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative - OAEI-2024 Campaign


General description

The CE track consists of finding alignments between relevant Circular Economy ontologies.

The CE track in 2024 consists of 1 task to match 2 ontologies in the Circular Economy domain, with the standard configuration of your matching system. The two ontologies are the Circular Economy Ontology Network (CEON) and Sustainable Bioeconomy and Bioproducts Ontology (BiOnto).

The general schedule given at the OAEI main page is binding for the anatomy track. Moreover, you have to submit your wrapped tool as explained on the OAEI main page.

Results available

The preliminary results for OAEI have been generated and are available now (21.09.2024). Link to results page.

Data sets

It is highly recommended that you run local tests to see whether your matching system can cope with the dataset. There are two options:

(1) You can download the whole dataset and run your tests with this input data.

(2) However, finally you have to create a package or a Web service of your tool based on MELT. For this purpose, a tutorial is linked via the OAEI 2024 page (MELT evaluation instructions). For running the CE testsuites you will have to specify the following input parameters.

CE Testsuite (CEON and BiOnto)


This track is organized by Jana Vataščinová, Ondřej Zamazal, Huanyu Li, Eva Blomqvist, and Patrick Lambrix. If you have any problems working with the ontologies, any questions related to tool wrapping, or any suggestions related to the ce track, feel free to write an email oaei-ce [at] groups [dot] liu [dot] se.


[1] Li H, Blomqvist E, Lambrix P, "Initial and Experimental Ontology Alignment Results in the Circular Economy Domain", The 2nd International Workshop on Knowledge Graphs for Sustainability (KG4S) at the 21st ESWC, May 27th, Hersonissos, Greece, 2024.

[2] Jansen M, Blomqvist E, Keskisärkkä R, Li H, Lindecrantz M, Wannerberg K, Pomp A, Meisen T, Berg H. "Modelling Digital Product Passports for the Circular Economy", The 2nd International Workshop on Knowledge Graphs for Sustainability (KG4S) at the 21st ESWC, May 27th, Hersonissos, Greece, 2024.

[3] Blomqvist E, Li H, Keskisärkkä R, Lindecrantz M, Abd Nikooie Pour M, Li Y, Lambrix P, "Cross-domain Modelling -- A Network of Core Ontologies for the Circular Economy", The 14th Workshop on Ontology Design and Patterns (WOP 2023) at the 22nd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2023), Athens, Greece, 2023.