Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative - OAEI-2024 Campaign OAEI

Results for OAEI 2024 - Pharmacogenomics Track

Matching systems

We evaluated the following systems that registered for the track:

Alignment results

Unfortunately, none of these systems were successful in producing alignments between reified n-ary tuples. We identify the main reason as the absence of labels for n-ary tuples since providing labels allows to produce alignments. However, when labels are present, altering neighborhoods does not impact the produced alignments, showing that only labels are taken into account. Recall that n-ary tuples are reifed as abstract entities because RDF does not allow n-ary relations. Hence, their labels are seldom present but their neighbors play a crucial role in their identity. This makes us conclude that submitted systems may not be perfectly adequate to the task of matching pharmacogenomic knowledge as they appear to rely only on labels and disregard neighbors.
