Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative - OAEI-2011 Campaign

Conference track

Conference track now contains 16 ontologies from the same domain (conference organization). These ontologies are quite suitable for ontology matching task because of their heterogenous character of origin. As the previous year, evaluation will be supported by SEALS platform, see instructions. Aside automatic evaluation (this year we envision to enlarge reference-alignment collection), we will do other kinds of evaluations, see section below.


Results are available.

Data sets

The collection of ontologies is dealing with conference organization. They have been developed within the OntoFarm project. 16 ontologies are included; the last one (linklings.owl) is in the OWL 2 profile. Each of them is shortly described in the following table. Ontologies have been based upon three types of underlying resources:

Name is derived from name of conference or conference organisation tool. For downloading this ontology, just click on its name or you can download all ontologies at once.
DL expressivity was obtained by Pellet reasoner.

NameTypeNumber of ClassesNumber of Datatype Properties Number of Object PropertiesDL expressivityRelated link


As the previous year, participants will use SEALS platform to deliver their results, see instructions. Correspondences submitted via SEALS platform will be evaluated with several evaluation methods: evaluation based on reference alignment, manual labeling, data mining method, logical reasoning.

Furthermore, participants can directly submit their 'interesting individual correspondences' ('nuggets') which could represent complex correspondences to organizers of this conference track, for contacts please see below. These correspondences will be evaluated manually and they can be potentially (if there is an interest) discussed during a short session during the day of workshops when OM workshop will not be held.


May 30th
datasets are out
June 27th
end of commenting period
July 1st
tests are frozen
September 1st
participants send preliminary results for interoperability-checking (old-style tracks), or ensure that the last version of their tools is submitted to the SEALS platform (SEALS tracks, see further instructions for at the Execution phase)
September 23rd
participants send final results (old-style tracks) or submit the ultimate tool version to the SEALS platform (SEALS tracks). All participants must send their papers.
October 22nd
final results ready and OM-2011 workshop.
November 15th
participants send final versions of papers to Cassia Trojahn and Pavel Shvaiko (for publication in CEUR proceedings).


We deeply acknowledge the effort of contributors to the collection: Július Štuller (and his team), Dušan Rak, Petr Tomášek, Luděk Mácha, Lenka Navrátilová, Pavel Kříž, David Měrka, Roman Svoboda, Miroslav Joha, Tomáš Zelinka, Jozef Murín, Markéta Horáková and Stanislav Kolbe.


Contact address is Ondřej Šváb-Zamazal (ondrej.zamazal at vse dot cz).

Original page: http://nb.vse.cz/~svabo/oaei2011/ [cached: 06/12/2011]